Here are 4 amazing tools that do not add any watermark to a collage. Collage Maker Apps for Windows 10 Without Watermark Why? Because watermarks are annoying, yes, but then that might not be your biggest concern and you’re probably looking for a feature that only a tool that adds watermarks has. They have been divided into two sections – without watermark and with watermark. We have handpicked 6 free collage maker apps for Windows 10. All you need to do is select pictures and the software will present a photo collage. While there are some dedicated apps, others incorporate this feature in their photo editing software. So how does one make a collage on a Windows 10 device? Does it require any special knowledge or a special tool? This main image that houses other smaller images is known as a collage. To avoid that, one can combine multiple pictures into one big image. If we were to publish them all on social media, it would certainly look like we’re spamming our friends. We capture a lot of pictures these days, all thanks to smartphones.