The Dell Update - SupportAssist Update Plugin works in conjunction with the Dell Update application to keep your systems recovery environment up to date with the latest version of SupportAssist OS Recovery. If the firmware upgrade process is interrupted, the solid-state drive may not function properly. Do not interrupt your system during the firmware upgrade process. It is recommended that you back up your data before performing this update. This update fixes the issue where the SSD is not detected by improving the thermal recovery of the system. The firmware manages the functionality of the devices. Storage firmware is a microcode that is embedded on storage devices such as hard drives or solid-state drives. This package contains the firmware for Toshiba KBG40ZNS128G 128GB, KBG40ZNS256G 256GB, KBG40ZNS512G 512GB, and KBG40ZNS1T02 1TB, Revision 10410104. Toshiba Solid-state Drive Firmware Update for KBG40ZNS128G/KBG40ZNS256G/KBG40ZNS512G/KBG40ZNS1T02 Urgent